Membuat Bendera Indonesia Dengan Javascript!
Kamis, 26 Januari 2012 by ewepaksa
top custom html 3Mau ngasih kode kali2 aja bermanfaat. Nih kodenya gan, hasil modif dari book yang mengikuti mouse: Quote: <html> <head> <title>I LOVE INDONESIA!</title> </head> <body bgcolor="black"> <script language="javascript"> // ENTER TEXT BELOW. CAN *NOT* INCLUDE NORMAL HTML CODE. var text='I LOVE INDONESIA!!!';//ganti message-nya var delay=40; // SPEED OF TRAIL var Xoff=-350; // PIXEL COUNT FROM THE LEFT OF THE CURSOR (- VALUES GO TO LEFT) var Yoff=-250; // PIXEL COUNT FROM THE TOP OF THE CURSOR (- VALUES GO UP) var txtw=20; // AMOUNT OF PIXEL SPACE EACH CHARACTER OCCUPIES var beghtml='<table width="500px" height="400px"><tr bgcolor="red"><td height="250px"><font color="white"></td></tr><tr bgcolor="white"><td height="250px"><font color="green" style="text-decoration:blink">'; // OPTIONAL HTML CODE THAT EFFECTS WHOLE TEXT STRING SUCH AS FONT COLOR, SIZE, ETC. var endhtml='</font></td></tr></table>'; // END HTML CODE. MOSTLY USED IF ABOVE SETTING IS USED. //********** NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW HERE **********\\ ns4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")>=0 && document.layers)? genuine : false; ie4 = (document.all && !document.getElementById)? genuine : false; ie5 = (document.all && document.getElementById)? genuine : false; ns6 = (document.getElementById && navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")>=0 )? true: false; var txtA=new Array(); text=text.split(''); var x1=0; var y1=-100; var t=''; for(i=1;i<=text.length;i++){ t+=(ns4)? '<layer left="0" top="-100" width="'+txtw+'" name="txt'+i+'" height="1">' : '<div id="txt'+i+'" style="position:absolute; top:-100px; left:0px; height:1px; width:'+txtw+'; visibility:visible;">'; t+=beghtml+text[i-1]+endhtml; t+=(ns4)? '</layer>' : '</div>'; } document.write(t); function moveid(id,x,y){ if(ns4)id.moveTo(x,y); else{'px';'px'; }} function animate(evt){ x1=Xoff+((ie4||ie5)? rollLeft:evt.pageX); y1=Yoff+((ie4||ie5)? rollTop:evt.pageY); } function getidleft(id){ if(ns4)return id.left; else convey parseInt(; } function getidtop(id){ if(ns4)return; else convey parseInt(; } function getwindowwidth(){ if(ie4||ie5)return document.body.clientWidth+document.body.scrollLeft ; else convey window.innerWidth+pageXOffset; } function movetxts(){ for(i=text.length;i>1;i=i-1){ if(getidleft(txtA[i-1])+txtw*2>=getwindowwidth()){ moveid(txtA[i-1],0,-100); moveid(txtA[i],0,-100); }else moveid(txtA[i], getidleft(txtA[i-1])+txtw, getidtop(txtA[i-1])); } moveid(txtA[1],x1,y1); } window.onload=function(){ for(i=1;i<=text.length;i++)txtA[i]=(ns4)?document.layers['txt'+i]:(ie4)?document.all['txt'+i]:document.getElementById('txt'+i); if(ns4)document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); document.onmousemove=animate; setInterval('movetxts()',delay); } </script> </body> </html> Ni hasilnya: custom html 3
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